Such an attitude on part of the doctors and hospitals give birth to Naxalism, and mass movements. Request Anna Hazare to lead a strong agitation against this attitude. How many will be dying because of this lust for profiteering. more
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First define this attitude to further comment on. If it is related to overcharging or prolonging treatment or wrong medication/surgery, the hospitals should be force closed and related doctors' licences be cancelled. more
Feb 16
There should be one Govt. monitoring body to watch their daily working in the hospitals. more
Feb 16
I agree with Mr. Har Dayal ji, there should be an agitation against medical poor health facilities and services in India. A poor man can not get good treatment in Govt. Hospitals. The examples of working styles of Govt. Hospitals are GTB Shahdara, AIIMS, LNJP, GB Pant and many more even in capital of India. more
Feb 16