Suggestions to Stop Food Wastage
1. Government/Municipal Corporations in large cities of Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai should construct Shelters for homeless and beggars at various locations where unused food could be delivered for consumption. These shelters should be provided with large capacity Refrigerators for storing food items and reheating facilities. This can be replicated in other cities also.
2. Local NGO's may consider collecting unused food items from various venues for delivery to shelters.
3. It should be compulsory for each Banquet Hall and Caterers for Weddings/Conferences to inform the NGO's about the schedule of functions.
4. An awareness program with the help of celebrities to avoid wastage of food is the need of the hour.
5. Restaurants may consider printing the prices of Half Plate in their Menu Card. It is observed that restaurants charging Rs. 375/- onwards per plate of an item usually serve large quantity, which cannot be consumed by a single person or a couple. Couples normally would like to order minimum two dishes for the main course of dinner if not more, which results in a lot of leftover food depending on star rating of Restaurant/Hotel.
6. Most of the restaurants offer to pack the leftover food which can be taken away and either consumed or given to a needy person. However many people may not like to be seen carrying a Doggy Bag while leaving a posh restaurant and may not opt for this alternative.
7. As a good practice while ordering food in a restaurant one should ask the waiter '' Quantity of one plate is sufficient for how many persons"? This is useful when a group of persons go out for dinner/lunch. more