Amused to see the posting of Darshan ji!!!! Manya mahoday, can you tell me a single department in IINDIA is not practicing corruption? Infact, Indian politics framed such a way to loot by ALL, including the general public (cash-for-vote, freebies-for-vote, favour-for-the-vote), it goes on. Is it possible for a common man to get a work done from a govt department without anything! Let me tell you, I live in Bangalore, here even to put a street light we have to pay Rs.2500, for a water connection between 20-25k and thereafter a monthly fixed sum, 8 yrs living in a place still have only MUD road, as we couldn't satisfy the local authorities. Why to blame politicians alone, in India, politicians are born to SPOIL OUR COUNTRY, whatever work they do, yes compromising the quality, they take ransom, for example, in Cochin (kerala), the minister Ibrahim Kunju initiated 40 bridges across the state, one before inauguration itself broken, and most of the others developed crack. The case against him was kept pending last 5 yrs due to political adjustment between UDF & LDF. Why the general public not coming out to get examine the wealth of politicians! You may also see, the most corrupt governments are getting re-elected, can you guess a reason for this! YES, THE PUBLIC WANTED CORRUPTION, else why they are opening their doors to politicians to sell their votes!! Evaluate the performance of State police in every state, they become puppets of state governments, look at Crime branch, various state run agencies.... all puppets! Each political party do hv their own agenda of favouritism! What about Courts in our country! In kerala, a judgement in a NUN murder case is given recently after 28yrs of waiting! The investigating agencies tried their level best to destroy evidences, and want to close the case many occasions! No hope even with the next generation, as narcotics usage in youngsters grown very high in most of the cities, esp south india. If we are outspoken on these matters, we are cornered....rowdism takes place, and murder numbers hv grown like anything in this country. Adding with Terrorism! Tell be Brother, where is the hope! One Modiji alone can not rectify all these unless the general public come out to fight corruption. I believe, my generation