Swachh Vidyalaya Mission
Total Number of Govt School Toilets announced: 417,796 (whole country).
Out of this:
- 258,644 to be built by Govt
- 141, 636 by PSUs
- 3,466 by Pvt Sector
Present Status as of Aug 13th, 2015, 2 days before Independence Day.
- 258,636 built by Govt (just 8 toilets balance-almost 100pc)
- 134,867 built by PSUs (6,769 toilets balance- 95.22pc)
- 3,213 built by Pvt Sector (253 toilets balance- 92.77pc)
- Total 410,766 completed (98.32pc)
- Balance toilets left 7,030 (just 1.60pc of the total)
Mind Blowing Stats! Mind Blowing Efficiency!!! Mind Blowing Commitment!!! Mind Blowing Governance!!!
India is on track to a New Age.
Not a single Media House or News Channel covered this continuous achievement. They rather gave massive coverage to many other news which wud harm the nation.
We also learn one more aspect from these stats. If need be, the Govt can be more efficient then even the Pvt Sector.
The total no of toilets the Govt has to build is almost 90 times that of the Pvt Sector, but, the Govt has just 8 Toilets left to build. Whereas the Pvt Sector in spite of their massive resources has almost 8pc left to complete more