Can someone explain the logic of shortening the business hours to 4 for grocery and produce shops? Since the same number of people will now hav e to shop during a shorter duration, the crowds inside the stores are going to get denser, increasing the chance for spread of the virus. So the benefit shortening the hours is lost upon me. more
When LOCKDOWN and strictures were there by the earlier government uniformly why this present government has imposed it after Ramzan ID? Can anyone clarify? more
Exempt agriculture operations. We cant afford to take our eyes off from the crops we are cultivating even for a day. Special e pass can be provided for legitimate farmers engaged in cultivation during the lock down time. Wearing mask social distancing and hand sanitization must be insisted for the farmers and farm laborers. If and only if such undertakings are given and cultivation related certificates from VAO are provided, Farm E pass should be provided. more
Very unfortunate. Mr. Annamalai is behaving in a funny way. No doubt the incident in anna university campus is very shocking and barbaric. it shows the lethargic attitude of the administ...
The recent incident in Chennai city,when a culprit molested a woman student in Anna University campus has sent shock waves around India. Unfortunately, these kind of sad events appear to b...
1.Reduced Travel Time: The Bengaluru-Chennai expressway is expected to significantly reduce travel time between the two cities. Once inaugurated in January 2024, it will take only 2 hours to travel...
The ongoing storm water drainage project in Chennai has put Chennai residents to discomfort and inconvenience . Several Chennai residents including experts in the relevant field have...
In my opinion the idea to allot a separate tariff to common meter within a building is an ill-conceived move. I think there are a plethora of cases where a residence meter has been taken as common...
It is tragic that a 24 year old journalist died on 23rd October of injuries that he sustained while walking on the road and falling into an under construction storm water drain at Ashok Nagar ...
Providing free education and free medical services for poor people are legitimate welfare measures of the government. But, providing television sets, pressure cookers, cycles, mixie, grinder, fa...
It is humble suggestion to the CM of TN. Most of the private schools in TN are administered for commercial purposes. The decipline and morality became questionable in these schools. The recent Kal...
Without assessing it’s capability to design , supervise and implement to required standards, Greater Chennai Corporation has embarked on a massive storm water drain project across Chennai cit...
Why our Tamil loving politicians do not wear Tamil Nadu attire ( veshti ) when they go abroad and instead use western dress ? N.S.Venkataraman Nandini Voice for The Deprived
The resolution passed by Tamil Nadu Assembly to withdraw the powers of Governor to act as Chancellor of the Universities and probably to make the Chief Minister as the Chancellor would certainly l...
By N.S. Venkataraman
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