Tax and Revenue generation
But again retired people and unorganised sector people are the sufferers. The tax can be increased or the best way is to abolish Income tax and introduce transaction tax as suggested by eminent economist.
take opposition into confidence and involve them. Explain to people how it is beneficial to the country and common people. The transaction tax to be very minimum and to be lower compared to the present tax rates. However it will fetch more revenue by way of transaction tax,as no one can avoid doing transaction. May be people holding huge block money can still manage, but major transaction can not be done.
Next target Sub registrar office, Revenue dept, Litigation, property holding of elected members, people holding public office and position, for generating Income.
Create opportunity to earn income through tourism, export, generating employment using the money spent on unnecessary free bees. Cut personal expenditure for the elected members, hold responsibility. target corruption etc. All such actions will generate revenue to Government.
It ma y be win win situation for all more