The Health Benefits of Turmeric

Here are 15 uses for this wonderful spice that will bring you relief, healing and better living:

1. Treat ulcers and digestion problems: Mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder in a cup of boiling water, let it cool and then drink (you can sweeten with sugar or honey).
2. To relieve problems of digestion and acidity in the stomach: Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric with 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper and a 1/4 teaspoon of cardamom. Swallow after your meal.
3. To relieve a sore throat: Mix a teaspoonful of honey with a teaspoon of turmeric and swallow about 4 times a day. A second option: mix 1/2 a teaspoon of turmeric and 1/2 a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gurgle in the throat.
4. To treat fungus on feet and nails: Mix turmeric powder with lemon juice until an ointment is created. Smear the ointment on the problematic area for a week. Recommendation: apply before bed time and wear socks.
5. Treating acne: Smear a salve made of a tablespoon of milk and a bit of turmeric. It may stain your face, so best to put it on at night and wash your face well in the morning.

6. To stop bleeding caused by cuts or scrapes: Dab generously with turmeric powder for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
7. For quick healing of wounds: Make a thick mixture of turmeric with a bit of water. Smear on the wound and bandage it for at least 24 hours.
8. To treat arthritis: Boil a glass of milk with a teaspoon and a half of turmeric powder. Wait till it cools and drink.
9. To relieve asthma attacks: Mix 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of hot water and drink in small sips.
10. To stop your gums from bleeding: Massage the teeth and gums with a mixture made of equal parts turmeric powder, mustard oil and salt.

11. To treat mouth wounds: Mix a 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of hot water and wait till it cools. Gargle several times a day.
12. Treating stubborn calluses: Prepare a thick mix of 50 grams of turmeric powder with 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix well to receive the salve and then smear it on the callus.
13. To treat insect bites: Make a mixture of turmeric and lemon and smear over the injured area. This will help stop the bleeding and remove any poison left behind which may irritate the skin.
14. For harsh PMS and cramps: Mix a teaspoon and a half of turmeric in a glass of hot milk.
15. To ease labor: It is recommended for women that are 9 months pregnant to swallow 1/2 a teaspoon of turmeric with hot milk every day. This combination, taken late in the pregnancy, should make giving birth a little easier. more  

View all 9 comments Below 9 comments
Thanks a lot sir for information. more  
Thanks, Mohit ji for old time remedies. more  
The active ingredient in turmeri CURCUMIN also has Anti inflamatory and pain relieving properties. What is more important is not how much of Curcumin we consume , but how nmuch is utilized. Curcumin the actice ingredient in Turmaeric is said to have a short life in the blood. The one ingredient that enhances its stability in the Blood and assists in utilization is Black Pepper. As kanwar Singh had added in the Turmeric Milk Pepper also. Thank sir confirming. more  
Turmeric is very good antiseptic, specially useful in current Corona period. It improves immunity. more  
The Best Method of Drinking Turmeric Milk: Turmeric Milk Home Remedy: Boil half teaspoon turmeric powder, quarter teaspoon black pepper powder, and one crushed green cardamom in a glass of cow's milk until it turns into dark yellow colour. Add rock sugar or jaggery to make the turmeric milk delicious, if you are not diabetic. Mix half teaspoon cow's ghee (clarified butter) in warm milk and drink it daily after dinner. The dose of turmeric milk home remedy can be increased or decreased depending upon the severity of illness, and prevailing weather condition of your region. I feel it pertinent to mention that in order to obtain best possible results of turmeric milk home remedy, it is extremely important to add black pepper in milk to increase bioavailability and absorption rate of curcumin due to the presence of piperine in black pepper, and therefore, the source and healing properties of curcumin will directly be absorbed into bloodstream through the lymphatic system to treat critical health issues to bring best possible results. Turmeric milk is an ancient home remedy being used as a medicinal herb and flavouring agent in India for a very long time. Turmeric milk home remedy is extremely effective in treating cold, cough, sore throat, flu, allergies, sinus, migraine, asthma, infections, wounds, skin disorders, inflammation, type 2 diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, depression, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, muscular and joint pain, and diseases related to liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, brain and all types of cancer. Turmeric is an effective blood cleansing spice that accelerates the healing process. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and warming property of turmeric promotes digestion, optimal cell functioning, and supports immune system to fight off diseases. It helps to eliminate harmful contaminants and toxins from the body. Turmeric has antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties that help to protect the body from infections. Turmeric milk home remedy helps to bring better sleep at night. Turmeric stops fat cells to grow, since it burns white fat to convert into brown fat to release energy, and this process helps to manage weight loss. Turmeric milk is a great warmer during cold climates. Cow's ghee (clarified butter) acts as lubricant, and helps to lubricate muscles and joints to maintain flexibility. Turmeric helps to strengthen bones. People allergic to cow's milk or being lactose intolerance can use almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk or rice milk. The turmeric milk home remedy is suggested for people above twelve years of age, and to use the same for treating children between one and twelve years of age, the quantity of turmeric, black pepper powder, cow's milk, and ghee should be adjusted according to their respective age, and the dosage can be altered depending upon the severity of illness and prevailing weather conditions of the region. Take care and stay healthy! Best regards, Kunwar Singh +919322366990 more  
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