Things in day to day life which are unavoidable and major prmoting partner of Cancer

From sun shine to the deep sleep we are using a lot of unavoidable items.. which are actually the promoters of Cancer

1) Tooth paste
2) Tea bags [ tea bags are plastic related which melts or changes its prFruits n vegetablesoperty when dip in hot milk or water ]
3) Deos , perfumes, roll on, lip stick, face creams
Actually the lipsticks are entering the body while eating food
Face creams remains in the hand even after the wash or bath
4) Water bottles ( we always collect hot water in plastic bottles..a way of inviting cancer. And try to use plastics which have quality value > 3

5) photostat .xerox
The carbon dust in the photostat and newspaper cause cancer.Never bind oil foods or snacks with the papers

6) Fried things.sweets.Especially chewing gums snacks . KFC.Lays like time passers
They are made from reused oils and fats which increase cancer cause
7) Non stick vessels
Now we new gen.we dont have time to clean several vessel so we use non stick cooking range..its a major cancer promoter.the coating on non stick vessels is a form of plastic

8) Fruits and vegetables
DONT eat fruits or vegetables which are bought from market directly. Put them in salt or tamrind water to avoid toxic contents

9) Mobiles
its a truely promoter of cancer. We wont look onthe SAR values of mobile before buying it..

10) Exercise
Bike . Car or uber or ola..we changed and our body changed.No exercise at all.What all u do or eat ..if you have a good habit of exercise .it wil keep you in safe mode from major diseases :)

I just tried to point out some daily things we use and which are silent promoters to cancer

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The printing ink used in newspapers, magazines etc. also has high content of lead.Food must never be taken on or wrapped in such papers. However, it is difficult to escape from all the dangerous products like mobiles, fruits, toothpaste.We can at best minimise its use. Good information.
There are so many food channels in TV. At least 3 shows per day shall show the preparation of Veg soup, leafy vegetables, Fruits and their intake with timings and quantity as taught in any Nisargopachar Kendras to be very nearer to the Nature. There are lot of Yummy veg soups and fruit preparations apart from simple and very tasty food with lot of variety with less oil, no Ghee etc. The Nisargopachar Kendras (Naturopathy ccenters) must sponsor their advertisement with recipe, for the benefit of many and DoorDarshan can allot a slot under AYUSH program to highlight the benefits of various Naturopathy treatment with science and assured results with research done including weight loss methods with simple dietary restrictions, which can be followed due to such education on food: in Kannada we have a saying" Oota Bllavanige Roga Villa" i.e the person who know what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat, will not have any Roga - diseases.
Thanks. Good knowledgeable information.
There is no proved cause &effect relationship between things mentioned above but staying as close to nature as possible is the key to a healthy lifestyle.Eat more of natural foods,fruits&vegetables. Divide your intake into 5-6 small helpings rather than 2-3 big chunks. Some moderate exercise is essential for body. Avoid tobacco in all forms.
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