Today Democracy is a misnomer for Criminalocrasy. Administration means corruption. We need a major revamp of the constitution and what we know as Parliament. It will not be an easy task but without it there is no true Freedom or State.
Choice is ours Democracy and Freedom or Slavery and Corruption. more  

I agree with Arghya Ganguly. Our constitution is not amended and not keeping the pace with the speed world and technology is developing. It is high time Modi Ji's government takes this issue on high priority. more  
Success of a good governance is 100 if involvement of people in national building is total and committed. P N Sridhar more  
Yes the idea about governance should change from corruption to changing the nations path to growth and development. more  
Need of the hour in India is not just Democracy without responsibility. We need a strong leadership and guide the Nation to proper shape and get rid off corruption now in all levels of administration and politics. Do right for the Country as a whole, generate more employment for our youth coming out and would be over 600 million by 2025 , which is just 7 yrs by now. We all INDIAN's also have responsibility to make this happen by adopting National cause and nothing less . more  
Yes i compleatly agree that democracy needs an revamp .Not only an revamp but an total change of governance is the need of the hour .we have a major futuristic probelm of global warming forecasted bu USA NASA and our Government doesnt tall to America on the said matter .what i find is that North Koriea Kim Jung Un being a dictator does beter negiociating with USA with his nuclear and clear thinking .Even Pakistan also being a dictorial country also is darring enough to persue its f 16 dream minus the USA . The Indian Goverment also should mean tough with USA regards to global warming . On the whole i aggree that dictatorship is far more beter tool than democracy if one has to get ones objectives met. more  
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