::This is probably not the most remarkable of 2014 but is the most extensive in last 24 years::
American Heart Association journal has just released its lifestyle- based prediction model ( an equation that helps you calculate 20-year risk of CVD ) for primordial prevention of CVD ( cardiovascular disease), developed among 61025 women and 34478 women.
Ascertainment was based on life style factors and several dietary factors besides factors like walking, jogging, running or even consumption of fruits, vegitables, fish, meat, nuts, cereal fiber, sodium, saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, trans fat, folate, alchohol, BMI, tv watching, sleep duration , smoking, juice whole grains etc. you name it was in the study with followup of men and women across ages.
Now the equation ( also recommended for daily clinical setting) is as under:
Women: 20 year CVD risk (%) = [1-0.9660(exp[w-6.57301)] x 100%
Where W= 0.10820x age+ 0.15285 (if past smoker)+ 0.90138 ( if current smoker) + 0.04676 x BMI- 0.01923 x grams/d of alcohol + 0.0004 x ( grams/ d of alcohol) ^2- 0.02951x hours/ week of exercise- 0.05 x diet score * ( diet score is calculated by another model called as BIC which is one id the most parsimonious ( meaning most economical).
Diet score ( women ) = ( 0.0336 x grams/d of cereal fiber + 0.18283 [if fruits + vegetables > 3 servings/ d]+ 0.14522 [if nuts 0.1 -1 servings/d + 0.24444 [ if nuts> 1servings/d] - 0.14631 x servings/d of sugar sweetened beverages - 0.15624x servings/d of red and processed meats) * 10.
Men: 20 year CVD risk (%) = [1-0.96368(exp[m-7.2437)] x 100%
Where M= 0.13580x age -0.0005 x (age) ^2 + 0.06979 (if past smoker)+ 0.42305 ( if current smoker) + 0.07424 x BMI- 0.00898 x grams/d of alcohol + 0.0001 x ( grams/ d of alcohol) ^2- 0.01755x hours/ week of exercise- 0.06691 x diet score * ( diet score is calculated by another model called as BIC which is one id the most parsimonious ( meaning most economical).
Diet score (men ) = ( 0.01816 x grams/d of cereal fiber + 0.08819 [if fruits + vegetables > 3 servings/ d]- 0.00535 [if nuts 0.1 -1 servings/d + 0.14285 [ if nuts> 1servings/d] - 0.14734 x servings/d of sugar sweetened beverages - 0.07112 x servings/d of red and processed meats) * 10. more