In my opinion the idea to allot a separate tariff to common meter within a building is an ill-conceived move. I think there are a plethora of cases where a residence meter has been taken as common meter and higher tariff applied. Before making this move, a thorough check should have been done to get the data right. But in any case the move is illogical and causes un-necessary hardships to the residents. A common meter within a building is meant for the common good of the residents and therefore allies more with the residence tariff rather than needing a seperate tariff. For eg. my house has been wrongly designated as a common meter and I have so far made 7 visits to EB office in the last 3 weeks to correct it with no success so far. Is there no other better means to increase revenue?. more  

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When I wrote the above Post, I thought there may be overwhelming support against such an arrangement of seperate tariff within a building, a move illogical by all means. But the response has been lukewarm. Looks like the residents of TN don't care or may be have taken a wait-and-watch approach. Now we have the aadhaar linking with EB Service connection numbers and there are rumors going around that this may be the beginning of controlling of consumers bills. When will some governments realize that there are ways and means of increasing the revenue without subjecting the common men to hardships. more  
The cash and jewelery ,blackmoney,confiscated by Cbi,ed,incometax,customs,police ,Fera,etc if properly accounted for and shown in the budget under income,there will be no need for any taxation and enough money will be available for infrastructure in any field. Why not being done in the budget presentation?where is the money? more  
Equality amoung residetns of TamilNadu is gone. We are staying in Senior Citizen projects.Totally there are around 750 senior citizens in the age group of 70 to 90 years are there. So far we have lived peacefully. Now TNEB has asked us to pay electricity charges under commercial charges . No fault of us. The reason given by them is we are paying for our common food and meter is not in our name. All over India and Tamil Nadu all the senior Citizen projects are collecting mess charges from the residents. Regarding meter, all those are staying on rent or lease in Tamil Nadu are paying only domestic charges. Why this disparity?. We hope the Government of Tamil Nadu and TNEB will open their eyes and help the Senior Citizens. more  
Privatization like tel-communication may change the scenario? more  
Just to add Tangedco's online payment portal earlier display ASD balance n accrued interest data in online accounts page, now its missing, tried to know about this in our nearby office but no sensible reply,another way to loot public funds. more  
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