Traffic congestion at toll booths during peak traffic time
As per the rules, the toll operator has to ensure that not more than 6 vehicles wait at any of the booth and not more than 10 sec is taken to clear the vehicle. A total waiting time of maximum three minutes is allowed.
It is advisable to keep a copy of the same in your vehicle and in case there is congestion at the toll booths in violation of the above orders, the operator need to open the gates and allow the vehicles to pass freely. The drivers collectively can only ensure that the rules are followed by the toll operator and ensure not to pay the toll fee is there is a congestion at the toll booths. This is necessary if we desire to have discipline in the implementation of rules.
We have recently (about 3/4 days back) done this at DF Sky Toll Road at Badarpur Toll Plaza and ensured that the gates were opened by the operator for a free passage. more