Travel Insurance.
In this regard I wish to put forward some suggestions and request all members to put up their thoughts.
1. Travel insurance @Re.0.92 is cheapest.But the flaw is that it is offered to passengers who book tickets online only. This facility shall be provided to all passengers irrespective of mode of booking. To avoid hassle at the counter for change the premium shall be raised to Re.1/-.
2. At present after booking ticket the insurance company sends email to person concerned for updating Nomination. Once name of nominee is given then traveler receives copy of insurance policy by email.
3. In my opinion Name of Nominee shall be added at the time of booking the ticket along with his/her Aadhar No. or PAN so that any kind of malpractice is curbed at the begining itself.
4. Same way to avoid legal problems by heirs of an accident victim this nomination shall be consider valid for payment of Railway compensation also.
5. At present passengers booking tickets on counter do not have this facility. They shall also get some kind of travel insurance facility . Ticket booking form can be amended to make space for Travel insurance and nomination.
6. Another Insurance is for lost baggage. But this requires lot of thinking as to, how to evaluate value of lost baggage and maximum amount to be paid etc. Members are invited to put forth their thoughts & suggestions on this topic.
Thanks & kind regards. more