Unethical Practices in Pvt Hospitals - Solutions
The objective here would be to take this up with the Government and Regulators so key actions can be taken to address them.
Transparency International India
Unethical practices in Pvt Hospitals - Root Causes
1. Private hospitals are run like businesses
2. Head of departments are given revenue targets to achieve
3. The remuneration of the doctor is linked to the amount of revenue he makes for the hospital
4. Private hospitals have better and latest machinery which results in higher test rates
5. Hospital take insured patients as an opportunity to generate more revenue
6. Lack of strict laws against hospitals for misleading/over charging the customers
7. Cash payment is preferred to save on taxes
8. Branded medicines are prescribed instead of generic ones as the doctors and hospitals earn commission from these pharma companies
9. Private hospitals look at EWS patients as an expense and hence do not admit them easily
10. Most uneducated patients quietly follow everything a Doctor says due to lack of awareness
Unethical Practices in Pvt Hospitals – Issues
1. Patients are asked to take unnecessary tests
2. Rate of tests like MRI, CT scan etc. are way higher in private hospitals than outside
3. Many hospitals straight away suggest surgeries in case where it might not immediately be needed
4. If the patient has insurance, the hospitals keep them admitted for a longer duration of time and bills are inflated
5. Expensive steroid medicines are given
6. Patients are kept on ventilators even if there is no chance of recovery
7. Room rates in private hospitals are really high
8. Private clinic/hospital encourage to pay bills in cash and also give forged bill
9. In place of generic medicines, branded costlier medicines are recommended
10. People with health cards, medical insurances extra also lured into unnecessary treatments, procedures and surgeries
11. EWS patients are not given admissions easily. more