Unvaxxed staff could face jail term: Delhi govt dept
This is the news item on the Delhi Government approach and actions: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/unvaxxed-staff-could-face-jail-term-delhi-govt-dept/articleshow/87292269.cms?from=mdr#_ga=2.71760535.50785573.1630571324-404024299.1630571324
I am trying to provide some information which fellow citizens can review and take an informed decision in their own best interest as they deem fit.
1. As per Central Government, Vaccinations are NOT mandatory, and the Central Government has no plans to discriminate between citizens on the basis of their vaccination status. This was stated by the MoHFW in their affidavit filed to the Mumbai High Court. Attaching that Affidavit here, refer point# 9.
2. Vaccinations are a medical intervention and people have a right to "informed consent". Informed consent here involves informing the citizen on the benefits and risks of the vaccine, possible side effects, disclosing its ingredients etc. A citizen has the right to reject any/all medical intervention(s).
3. Citizens who do not want such an intervention into their health may submit an exemption certificate signed by a practicing Allopathic doctor. Standard templates for such certificates are available with lawyers, NGO's etc. more