Use of thin plastic bags & cleaning Garbages.
1.Most of such States, ban orders prohibiting the production and sale of thin plastic carry bags have not been issued and their production and sale still continues and widely used/distributed during sales of goods.
2. Garbage are not cleared properly and extensively and this work is done as Nam-ke-vasthe manner. The Govt., and Municipal authorities/Councillors do not evince any interest in this matter and no instructions, supervisions are done by any one.
3.No special efforts are taken to keep the Public gathering places like BUS STAND, Temple/ worshiping area surroundings, Market places, Bazaars, Public meeting places, Marriage halls surroundings, etc, clean and tidy. Municipal authrities do not bother cleaning work in Marriage Halls, temples, etc and the Garbage workers clean on payment only.
4.Garbage workers are not regular in their street cleaning work, and even if they come they simply while away their time taking some sample garbages and go away. No supervisors or Councillors visit to ensure the cleanliness.
5.The Councillors prevent house owners to prune the trees in front of their houses even if they are in falling state or hanging branches prevent the traffic or even if the branches and foliage prevent road- light falling on the road. On many occasions the darkness are helpful for thief's to do burgle the house. The Councillors want something for house owners pruning the trees. more