I truly hope that Mr. Narendra Modi wins this election with a sound majority, whereby he and his policies along with the party can rule the roost for a good and solid 5 years, and thereafter many to come, i.e., after proved their mettle for the first 5 years to begin with clever governance for India and the citizen of India in their minds, especially the farmers, the struggling common person, the harassed person on the street, and the vendor who is trying to make his ends meet, and one who is not trying to steal or do any anything that would be dubbed as untoward in the eyes of law. Give everyone a chance to live with self respect and dignity, only then will the Indians feel truly proud of themselves and learn to respect each other. Sycophancy should be regarded as slow poison, which ultimately erodes sane & rational thinking that again in turn would erode the image and the progress of the party. Another slow poison would be corruption for the party and the country at large. We have witnessed this as a matter of fact for 65 years or more. People outside do not regard Indians as having real pride for their country. It is the government's job to give that pride and self respect to almost all the Indians. Red tapesism should be eradicated and lower the degree of bureaucracy in handling of matters, so to say, make matters more simple and easy to manage and later handle if need be by one and all. Accountability and transparency should be as good as any other human fundamental rights. Foreign policy should be based on what is good for India and the Indians only, of course there is no black and white solution to this, but to be cautious at all times and to stop appeasing any people or group of people within and without the country. Also, to abolish the two law system, which is a part of an appeasement policy as well, as at the end of the day everyone is an Indian first and Indian last, that should be the motto, otherwise there will be a permanent divide and some sort of alienation toward the main stream and even the country, which I do feel strongly does exist due to this dual law policy. This fact has been witnessed many a times in the name of sports, sect and faith. This factor is based on human psyche (as mentioned above), whereby no one person, sect, faith and/or party (to a larger extent) is thankful for such durability and lenience of law within our system, instead it has been used for many undue advantages by a vested few due to the ignorance of the majority. I remember the history telling us about Rana Pratap Singh, who let go free the Arab invader after being defeated 17 times, but the 18th time the invader won the war against Rana Pratap, and the rest has been the history thereafter! In short it is to be fair and just to one and all, no matter who the person is and what background does the person belong to. This is a golden chance for BJP to once again to prove to be the Robin Hood for all India. We all know there is no magic wand and it is not easy to rule any country, especially one like ours with multiple regional cultures and languages and many religions too, but the best way to progress is to see all the mistakes the opposition has made for the past many years and just try to do the opposite in such cases. I am sure no one accepts a Utopia but we can get something of a kind, maybe remotely, but only via good and astute governance. I wish Narendrabhai and the rest of his team/party the very best with a clear and long term thinking toward a fine and slate clean governance, and eventually by writing a new chapter in the annals of history of Modern India, and ultimately setting an example for not only every Indian to follow and to be proud of, but also, by setting an example for the world at large.