Verification by Police

Here is an opportunity for the Govt to prove to the citizens that they want to root out corruption.

This is a live case where the Govt is concerned about it's image where it wants to show that it is doing it's bit for protection of women while at the same time there are reports in newspapers which says that Police provide Character Certificate to anyone for a small fee. Government should take this lead to go to the depth of this case and find out whether people are involved and if so identify the persons involved.

Such investigations and punishment of the real culprits who promote and spread corruption can only lead to reduction in Corruption. more  

I agreed with Francis Dias .Every where regime of touts functions. Obtaining of certificate or NOC for genuine person is most difficult.Person is being called again & again to get such certificattes but due to his nature of job he goes in search of short cut methods which creating all loop holes. more  
Six months is a long time. I think some individuals who are close to the Govt are reading these chats. And that is the reason why these local Circles have been created. But the Chat should not remain as Chat.. It should result in some positive action. These are on going live cases where every citizen of India is closely watching. How the Govt responds and acts in these cases will convey to everyone how serious the Govt is, to root out corruption. This is the opportunity to demotivate the corrupt and motivate those who are involuntarily corrupt, to leave the path of corruption. The World is watching!!! more  
Don't get your hopes high as the old adage goes: The more things change, the more they remain the same. The cop whose signature is appended to the certificate will claim ignorance and say it is his office staff who do the paperwork, etc. They in turn will blame this or that and even perhaps say, on the day it was created they had kept their spectacles at home...blah, blah, blah... Of course the touts have a field day and everybody knows that their network is so well oiled, that even a European with fair skin and blond hair can perhaps get documents saying he is an Indian from even the hinterland, because of these touts. If India is to be changed, touts have to be eliminated. We the educated, should not use them even if it means a little trouble and for cases like the driver of the taxi, the govt needs to eliminate them; and merely eliminating them will not suffice, monitoring the system regularly will provide relief for eg. in many rto's in mumbai touts have been apparently eliminated, but they still operate in connivance with corrupt clerks, etc. Therefore if I approach a tout who meets me about half a km away from the office, I can get renewed licences in just a month as opposed to more than 3 months in certain cases. Simple monitoring of the date of application and date when the service was provided can immediately point out which clerk is in cahoots with the touts and he should be kept under constant watch and suspended. Half of the usual problems will be solved. But this never is done for then how will the well oiled system get its oil? One thing I must say, the corrupt people working in govt. in the lower levels, are the most scared of the lot and if they are dealt with a tough hand, rarely will we see them bending rules, but do the senior officials care? NO, because they get all their work done at rocket pace. BTW, has anyone heard of a senior official ever get into a queue like an ordinary citizen to avail of services? We had voted for Modi thinking he is the man who has the courage and the mettle to weed out corruption. Six months down the line we are still waiting... more  
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