VICTORY FOR THE GRAHAKA: Micromax coughs up huge compensation.
In 2015 I filed a complaint before the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum Mysuru CC 1602/2015. The forum in Nov.2015, ordered Micromax to pay - Cost of the Tab 14,500 +Expenses 2000 + Compensation 3000. Total 19,500.
The forum had also ordered that Micromax shall pay the same within a month, failing which it shall pay Rs.100 per day for delayed payment. I also filed an execution petition EA No. 154/2016 based on the orders of the Forum
Micromax had delayed the payment by nearly 286 days. Hence it had to pay fine of 100/day. So totally I received 48,100 (19500+28600)
I Argued the case myself.