Yes this has become a trend now . Many a good, enthusiastic and patriotic minded devote their hard eaned weekend, spare time and holidays for a good cause . Hats off to them and the initiatives.

Sadly this will only encourages the,

* pollutants individuals or corporates to continue in their behaaviour to harm the environment ,

* Encourages the authorities to look the otherway instead of taking action on the public or the companies that ae the culprits.

Along with what is being done by these nobleminded for the environment , I like them to consider the following :

# Adopt a few popular public places like Parks, Beaches , Hill stations , Temples .Create a volunteer force to be present on a regular basis at lest during weekends and holidays to consciendize the public not to liter ; school children from 6th to 8th standard with their teachers can be pressed into action . Schools take turn and do it . The students should have the staff from the Police as well as from the municipalities to support them . Doing this 4 target groups are consciendized . They are the public the main culprit , then the municipal authorities who look the otherway though it is their responsibility, The Police who have the power to enforce law or good practices, and finally the tomorrow's generation the students themselves who form the core group.

# This is a major issue regarding health and Environment . Important for the future of the nation and world. Include in the School Curriculam so that there will be more discussion , lectures , Q & A 's , Practicals and so on .So that habits are imbibed early in the lives of the fututre generation.

# Actively involve adult Volunteers to assist the authorities in fining the public who dont care about the environment .


View all 21 comments Below 21 comments
Showing such videos on TV would contribute towards wider public awareness and response..... more  
One can easily get a blower from Amazon and blow down all the dust. more  
This young fellow and 1000s of volunteers that work hard to clean India show that the youth of India is an aware, intelligent and tremendous force. When they unite and want to make the New India, none of the criminals who dirty their own motherland everyday can continue their filthy acts. more  
I fully agree on the subject with Mr.Jay Kumar. Actually Control is required at source where waste is originated, whether it is industry, business establishments, treatment plants, house holds wastes, etc etc. An analysis is required to 1)assess the quantities and quality of wastes.2)Proper segregation is done 3) more importantly methods of reduction in wastes with appropriate targets on monthly basis 4) disposal methods 5) Audit of vendors or so called volunteers, to check what they are doing with those materials and how they are disposing or recycling, whether it is safe or not 5) Monitoring regularly the targets. With this methodology we will be able to reduce and rationalize the disposal in much safer way and official way with no short cuts of disposal on road sides or dump in 'khaddas' etc. This is a serious area and people can chosen who had good knowledge and ideas on these issues, who really understand the hazards. A.K.Nagpal more  
Commendable write-up Jaykumar. Violators should be identified and severely penalised for the wrong doing and awarded jail sentence for wilfully / repeatedly continue to violate the laws. more  
High time we adopt methods to penalize the ones who are not responsible

towards the environment . As being done in Snigapore in Asia and in

western countries. more  
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