VAT is chargeable on the value addition to the product or the service sold to a customer. Restaurant can charge VAT on the food items that are sold to the customer. more
MRP is applicable to packaged items only and not on food served in restaurants.Packaged item means packed not in consumers is prepacked items. Now vat is payable on cost of food and service tax for service component. Service tax is as per rules on 40% of the cost of food and Vat is on the full cost of food as a product on which value is added by the hotel. this means we are actually being taxed double for 40%. The issue came up before the High Court of Uttarakhand in Valley Hotels & resorts Vs Commissioner of Commercial taxes . Honourable Hight Court decided that VAT cannot be charged on the component of 40% on which already service tax has been charged.It essentially means VAT can be charged only on 60% and not on total cost of food consumed. The concerned depts. of Govt. has to clarify this by amending the Rules. In any case once GST comes all this confusion will be cleared as now different States have different rates of Vat. more
we are supposed to be charged VAT only on the cost of food items , service charges are generally added on to calculate final bill . the difference is pocketed by the hotel . this needs to be checked by customer when he is paying bill . more
PROFITEERING VS. PROFIT MAKING - Profit making and profiteering are fundamentally different concepts. While profit making is the natural result of a business operating efficiently and successfully...
Retrograde step. Indecent too . Who is Oyo to verify marriage certificates ? And on what authority ? Isn't it discrimination based on social status ? If this trend picks up ...
I know atleast 3 girls in Delhi and UP who have been going to Oyo with their boyfriends for romance from college and tuitions. Glad they are stopping this practice but i think its easier...
The proposed increase of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on 150 items, including quality footwear, shoes, clothing, and more, to 35% requires a reevaluation of consumption patterns. If this policy...
By Mohit Jain
It's me Sutirtha from West Bengal. I want to share my frustrating experience with Reliance Life Insurance, where I was repeatedly misled by their representatives: 1. In August 2024, I bought P...
Star and Care stand out in people having horrible claims experience and claim rejection I have seen both these insurers reject claims for illogical reasons. They seem to delay claim...
A couple of days back, I received 2 letters from LIC. It started this "Dear Policyholder...". It was an intimation of maturity or survival benefit for the policy. Nowhere was the policy number me...
Pathetic customer service. My postpaid mobile bill jumped from ₹352 to ₹411. Changed to a new plan of ₹449 without any communication to me or my authorization..called their customer service number....
The way cost of living, inflation, rents, layoffs, fear of pink slips, insufficient retirement corpus, over exceeding medical & education costs are increasing, very soon we are going to witness...
गेहूं की महंगाई रहस्यमय हो चली है. मांग और आपूर्ति की गुत्थी का सिरा ही गुम है. - नई फसल आने के बाद भी कीमतें न घटीं. अगस्त में गेहूं की क़ीमत करीब 100 रुपये/ क्व...
By RN Chopra
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