Waitlisted and RAC ticket management
In case of RAC, two people have to share one side lower berth. No sleep for either, but have to pay full fare.
For wait listed and not confirmed - they are not permitted to board and have to make alternate arrangements for travel. The confirmation or lack of it is conveyed at a very late stage, when chart is prepared. This effects those who have WL 1-10 even more since they feel they have a chance to get confirmed. The inconvenience caused by this and having to bear cancellation charges is doubly unfair.
With this post, would like to hear from fellow members on ideas on
1) How can we handle the RAC and Wait list scenarios better?
2) What should be the charges/refund in case of RAC or Waitlisted tickets not being confirmed.?
This can be presented to the concerned railways officials for review and implementation.
Request: please avoid posts that are purely critical in nature or blame game. Let us try to be more positive and give constructive ideas. more