What I/we need from PM ( Modi )

What I/we need from PM ( Modi ).
1. Water (nationalize/connect all the rivers) - 1.Drink 2.Domestric 3.Agreeculture.
2. Current (alternate solar system)- 1.home 2.Industry 3.Agreeculture.
3. Education - 1.Facilitate Gov’t schools 2.Stablise private school & colleges in term of fees and donations.
4. Job - Create job opportunity on all the sectors including IT & Provide gov’t support to employees.
5. Health care – 1.Facilated Gov’t hospitals on par with private hospitals 2.stablise the fees on private hospitals so that common man can avail the facilities.
6. Law & Order – There should be strict and strong law and order to mitigate murder and rape.
7. Army – Strengthens Indian Army and Give freedom to work on Border issues. Facilitate to Army personals.
8. Indian culture – Important to safeguard and maintain the Indian culture.
9. Tourism – Improve the tourism in India.
10. Corruption and black money – make corruption free government & bring the black money ASAP.
11.Unite all the pvt social orphanage & try to reduce the number of people coming to the center.
There is should be strong rules and regulations who is putting their parents & children’s in orphanage without proper reasons.
The above facilities to be done for ALL the State/city/villages in India, regardless of how many MP each state hold etc. more  

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body { -ms-text-size-adjust: none !important; font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} My balance: $1,000 Home               p small-text Hello, Starting in 2016, you were an early (alpha) member of our project called empowr. Well, that project evolved and became the new www.empowr.com. Along the way, we invented virtual currency and many other technologies used by all the top social media companies. Your free coins As you probably know by now, empowr is launching its own coin (like Bitcoin) and, as our way of saying Thank You to the incredible community that got us here, we're giving the first coins to you – TOTALLY FREE. Read the details http://www.empowr.com/Navigation/RegistrationWelcome.aspx?Action=ReferralInstantRegistration&RegistrationFlowFlavor=18&authToken=Ncj0ggzf9h46mzZGPAhkcL5RE4T1P2o4R4ahBlYH3weaLuYTPYsrOM8TJyWS5y4e5zNBmcK2lO2Oh77Vt2x6h3eR9MxocBwtGTJ50r0%2fTNgMif6kOQe5KMJ9%2fZHaAKYSVdOyxyAIvbyPKblLS3IPmKR%2bQyF6wR%2b%2bvFpbZw%2bupbdfWFe3WUSt7gS0B0pr1KVmnCruomQY9uTuP5fuTdc8VQ%3d%3d&PolicyAcceptance=i0sMjbXfvsaCxjuDtKREOrlENiKptVGy73lcr2Z910WIKe%2byGw7kQq3cdkw0PBQPV%2b0%2b%2fzOFlytcIblxmGAhh1gV3vAtbehELDUFxhnRZ7Af0i1GZHHDRfyRC2Rv5bCa5p%2b%2bewUh89aZWNOqUwpLb1Gd%2fiKUsjEWWLI9N%2fbXKuvY%2fed74qAzcR%2fhUYM%2fb%2bdYFCTn95OO3xmj%2bg7I3ql1hWQMhYUOqAKUC00iN4u8Cjnbc7V%2brtQSUij7kCb%2bFfnwLdRW99WAM8La9re8EfgCofdZwoWunEaGT82ougu4M9nEy0DDp5L3RXS7cbCSbkLvymOGpufBbC%2fz%2bJ9z65WZUrL%2be08TJVVvhCnxCHYCeuUeIdFiTYNNeCEZ00eExdTux3FBNdbZyNLFs5NQfr6UvXlnqwDCzoxjrDaFGbQqr7z9PVvG%2f5IT6QwP0aszK0IZZ5EJ1shTyG7l4MR9E6P0WUFYyc5P0Zv9%2fL9qm5kQXJABW5L2eVHBYYxwx%2fZ2VobGH6ZgVy%2f9cd5u5G%2f%2fAdD2IZ820BcNDcAfN%2fL5atOhM%2fjGwlD4BbnCu7K2udro9vpXP47LUAdi1QKm%2fXKJM3DtSsf6NSettaUiZItF2UP%2fEjZ%2fuTIMvgJpZC6TcHlTyy8lvmgsXcqFDpcftYoWrPwbHZtkyGR9QDMfYp4O3AeInP0%3d&vet=760&dt=021318&mlid=10287916899&tmpID=3378&linkname=InviteLink&pt=0&esp=0&eaid=56777722&rt=1 Secure your free coins ► Note: Unclaimed coins will be auctioned off to the rest of the community. (As an early member, you get exclusive first access to bid on any unclaimed coins). Once again, THANK YOU. -Your friends at empowr.com Your account was reserved for you in order to allocate your free coins, however you must agree to terms and validate before it can be utilized. By accessing your account via the links or buttons in this email, you're both validating your email and stipulating that you're 18 or older and are signing up having agreed with the product, terms and privacy policies. At this moment, empowr can make no guarantees about the current or future price or value of the new empowr cryptocurrency coin, or that it will be ultimately tradeable on one or more public currency exchanges. By accepting your free founder coins, you acknowledge that this offer represents a gift that can be revoked if it is found to not be legal in your state, country or jurisdiction. Vesting and other details apply. You are receiving this gift and email because you were an alpha user of the SMS.ac / FanBox / empowr project. You can unsubscribe here #. --> New! Download the empowr mobile app:     *This promotional email was sent to www.send_newpost++trgxtrtraevv++iymqaeqslktr@localcirclesmail.com and may contain special notices or offers. To see current terms and conditions visit: FanBox Terms and Conditions. You can prevent future emails here. FanBox - 611 K Street, Suite B411, San Diego, CA 92101, USA more  
body { -ms-text-size-adjust: none !important; font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} My balance: $1,000 Home               p small-text Hello, Starting in 2016, you were an early (alpha) member of our project called empowr. Well, that project evolved and became the new www.empowr.com. Along the way, we invented virtual currency and many other technologies used by all the top social media companies. Your free coins As you probably know by now, empowr is launching its own coin (like Bitcoin) and, as our way of saying Thank You to the incredible community that got us here, we're giving the first coins to you – TOTALLY FREE. Read the details http://www.empowr.com/Navigation/RegistrationWelcome.aspx?Action=ReferralInstantRegistration&RegistrationFlowFlavor=18&authToken=zolY5R2L5m3xmrwyED1K3mhd0YItx%2fOFrAQ9qyn2vaYaTZIAKojpDsfn2%2bJgAKPXx2t6hwe0%2fTMg5a%2fR7wf%2fQ0xA4SEJM9RKlfFBHnd0Elevhq1zAo0XY8WWRFF6yuJdTCjTcYPe9idFbzDqbUL%2bd2sDa7%2ba%2fUzO9Qgp3%2fJdbr22lpgXbCJ8J69PxmKsN%2fsyuFPBMKjicsg6RluqqJX7vw%3d%3d&PolicyAcceptance=meYSyFf5H3AShKBYfsqFliulHl%2fyFwA%2fkhLfL5aZ6yRteT8FAc2123Per4uZyw4P5DakgUncK68De6tXD3fdGJmY24FZNj6NEKNNahk4mMal1EME136EL8Or%2f0Qf6%2fc2ohLqWlkx%2f2CX%2bAv%2b2WDg7lmI3Gx8%2bbtZkuJKOwe3G7ylgwco9vWPTZ4WC7hIugnu118DFaRDVqyWlQoh%2fa1huTTrh7BnlM%2bAC6v6RaL9bSGX%2bciycWBIGktCcjsHSqiTEcy258vW4N8StHUIUiVRQGFSZM2bm929OGT0xOgJCG0NVVQ2lyu%2fwKra8yXcDgNDgDp%2bPkhdWSyCitrZx%2fNn7IfrE1%2fvA%2fcWu1lfrbyApaxhSGCqOqsbKuEWnO6P17nmyaDtvi65iUzdOZcy7EjEXBqCY3%2fMKNDsWrn2fJwChpOs2G%2f1WzTTqlsZTmvZKip%2bFmZYoAFaYcDEPP2cqp875e14NLvePWApW3qi9jYanTGuF14%2b%2f4lOA295dCf53PJFIi2raQ3wfJbMiOQEN5QWEhlys3FPJCw3mgLI0pxmKWOfPCO%2fWaHqTf2b1OcMqiw7O4gUciKAxSbc2mf%2bIHkSJvFJeUqYolnodgXCVtlFxOlHiTH86Ey9PY1ITi617aFONh9EEAmsfBQqO%2bbPxzgCqds9khAmgRrSBpZ%2bXNsDeOWOCnZlEfY3teVb8cLQAvlN&vet=760&dt=010618&mlid=10139255664&tmpID=3378&linkname=InviteLink&pt=0&esp=0&eaid=56777722&rt=1 Secure your free coins ► Note: Unclaimed coins will be auctioned off to the rest of the community. (As an early member, you get exclusive first access to bid on any unclaimed coins). Once again, THANK YOU. -Your friends at empowr.com Your account was reserved for you in order to allocate your free coins, however you must agree to terms and validate before it can be utilized. By accessing your account via the links or buttons in this email, you're both validating your email and stipulating that you're 18 or older and are signing up having agreed with the product, terms and privacy policies. At this moment, empowr can make no guarantees about the current or future price or value of the new empowr cryptocurrency coin, or that it will be ultimately tradeable on one or more public currency exchanges. By accepting your free founder coins, you acknowledge that this offer represents a gift that can be revoked if it is found to not be legal in your state, country or jurisdiction. Vesting and other details apply. You are receiving this gift and email because you were an alpha user of the SMS.ac / FanBox / empowr project. You can unsubscribe here #. --> New! Download the empowr mobile app:     *This promotional email was sent to www.send_newpost++trgxtrtraevv++iymqaeqslktr@localcirclesmail.com and may contain special notices or offers. To see current terms and conditions visit: FanBox Terms and Conditions. You can prevent future emails here. FanBox - 611 K Street, Suite B411, San Diego, CA 92101, USA more  
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By accessing your account via the links or buttons in this email, you're both validating your email and stipulating that you're 18 or older and are signing up having agreed with the product, terms and privacy policies, including the manner in which "$", "earnings", maturation and advertising are used or applied throughout the empowr products and communications. Earnings are virtual currency revenues, not profits; are for illustrative purposes only and are in no way a guarantee of anything. You can manually delete your account and/or block future invitations from here http://profile.empowr.com/ApplicationManager/CommunityEmailSettings.aspx?em=bRMDe0wwCo1LJ5H7ZUpC6UyfKpyy7UcORO49%2FmKOJ8hCJ3a%2ButHzMZrfanM%2BCatgvOKxhcCtvSKsmeOxWSb2fDcO4sDyboQD&vet=745&mlid=9919216763. No more emails from Subbaiah Divakar (subbaiahdivakar@gmail.com)? Unsubscribe http://profile.empowr.com/ApplicationManager/CommunityEmailSettings.aspx?em=bRMDe0wwCo1LJ5H7ZUpC6UyfKpyy7UcORO49%2FmKOJ8hCJ3a%2ButHzMZrfanM%2BCatgvOKxhcCtvSKsmeOxWSb2fDcO4sDyboQD&vet=745&mlid=9919216763 *This promotional email was sent to www.send_newpost++trgxtrtraevv++iymqaeqslktr@localcirclesmail.com and may contain special notices or offers. To see current terms and conditions visit: empowr Terms and Conditions. You can prevent future emails here. You can change your password here. empowr - 501 West Broadway, Suite A182, San Diego, CA 92101, USA more  
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How? Simply try our new social network for only 50 seconds... ..and give us your feedback in less than 10 seconds. Give me $100 (start the clock) ► Your empowr account was reserved for you by subbaiahdivakar@gmail.com. In order to store your gift however you must agree to terms and validate before it can be created. By accessing your account via the links or buttons in this email, you're both validating your email and stipulating that you're 18 or older and are signing up having agreed with the product, terms and privacy policies, including the manner in which "$", "earnings", maturation and advertising are used or applied throughout the empowr products and communications. Earnings are virtual currency revenues, not profits; are for illustrative purposes only and are in no way a guarantee of anything. 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