What makes Pakistan, Pakistan ?

Pakistan symbolized Islam (not the ‘religion of peace’ but the political Islam) when it was born in 1947. Today, 70 years later, it is the mother of global terrorism and symbolizes Wahhabism. It is a remarkable journey from ‘Islamic separatism’ to Wahhabi terrorism. World’s most wanted
terrorist, Osama bin Laden, was found here living in full safety and security. Since 1980s, its Jehadi factories have been churning out hardcore Islamic terrorists. Initially, it was to drive out the Soviet occupiers fro Afghanistan but then to use them weapons of destruction against sworn enemy India. What it can’t achieve with guns, cannons, tanks, missiles and fighter planes can be conveniently accomplished by Jehadis ever ready to die for Allah. They offer its secret agency and military very peculiar and unique advantages. They are Pakistan’s most valued ‘strategic assets’.

A well trained jehadi can not only use guns and grenades to kill people but can also maneuver to reach the
strategic target and blow himself up. Further, it is far more cost effective to set up Jehadi factories. The cost of just
one fighter plane can sustain dozens terror factories for months. Such a versatile and self-destructive weapon in
human flesh is still not available from conventional arms manufacturers.

Since early 1990s, Pakistan has routinely aimed its Jehadi weaponry against its neighbors, most particularly its
sworn enemy India. However, its other two close neighbors, Afghanistan and Iran, are also not safe from Pak
trained jehadis.

In fact, in the mid 1990s, Pakistan rewarded Talibani terrorists and helped them take control of Afghan
government. Once in power, the Talibanis got busy with its Islamic business. They proudly demolished ancient
Buddhist monuments, imposed severe restrictions on women and girls, and did their best to convert Afghanistan
into 7 century barbaric Arab society. World watched their barbaric ways to impose their dictate. But their dream
to reverse the clock by 1400 years ended, when their comrades from Al Qaeda did 9/11 terror attack and the
Americans descended into Afghanistan hunting for Osama Bin Laden.

It also jolted Pakistan’s honeymoon with terrorists. It was forced to join America’s war against terrorism and fight
with its own jehadi products. Noting that the US needed it as a strategic partner to succeed in Afghanistan, it kept
extracting money and aid from the Americans and continued diverting them to run its numerous terror camps. So,
Pakistan continued to produce terrorists while pretending to fight them, at the same time! Simultaneously, it also
started to declare itself as a big victim of terrorism! No wonder, today the international community laughs
whenever Pak diplomats open their mouth on the topic of terrorism.

The US has been aware Pak’s game all along, but it had reasons to put with its hypocrisy. However, in recent years
it concluded that Pak is totally unreliable and it still supports terror groups like the Haqqani to destabilize the
Afghan government, apart from many others targeting India.
Now under Trump, the US is threatening to put it into the list of nations supporting terrorism, after stopping its terror funding. But Pak is not worried because China Uncle is there to hold its hand! In fact, it can look after its jehadi babies better under Chinese Umbrella than with the demanding Uncle Sam at the back.

Pak Moved from Bad to Worst

After its Islamic birth in 1947, Pakistan went through several transformations – but, all in the wrong direction.
Even at the age of 70, it is a totally confused nation – still searching for a sensible national identity beyond Islam
and a national goal other than destroy India. Like paranoid and isolated North Korea, Pakistan is the only other
nation that threatens its neighbor (India) with nuclear attack. Today, both these countries are the closest ally of
Communist China! It tells something!!

Dichotomy and irrationality is built deeply in Pakistan’s psyche. It started with something of a democracy, but
always fell for military dictatorships. Pakistan’s population is just about the size of Indian Uttar Pradesh, but
behaves as if it equals India. Like North Korea, it squanders money on military while its citizen struggle with
poverty. Islam should have kept Pakistan united better than India’s Fevicol, but broke into two pieces in 1971!
Now Wahhabi groups are threatening its existence.

The Betrayal Of East Pakistan: Birth of Bangladesh

The 1971 India-Pak war is something Indians love to talk about and Pakistanis wish to forget. Loss of almost half
of its territory and birth of Bangladesh will remain a lifelong trauma for Pak rulers. It badly distorted their already
twisted brains. Just imagine the national agony coming from the surrender of 93,000 Pak army men before the
Indian army in just two weeks of fight. It deeply hurt the psych of Pak establishment and its Islamic pride. Cocky
Pak generals always boasted of the ‘highly fierce’ Islamic army. They still do.

1971 ‘symbolizes’ betrayal of East Pakistan by the politically
dominant West Pakistan – and ended up losing it forever. Here is what transpired.

In December 1970, a general election for Pak National Assembly was held. The result went in the favour of East Pakistan based Awami League led by Sheikh Mujib ur Rahman. It bagged 167 seats compared to just 82 seats for West Pakistan’s Pakistan People’s Party, out of a total of 313 seats in the National Assembly. But rather than being invited to form a new government, Mujib was arrested. It led to widespread civil unrest in the East Pakistan. Politically dominant West Pakistan used military to curb the unrest. It made matters worse and a civil war engulfed the entire East Pakistan. The ‘highly fierce’ Islamic Pak army was resisted by Bengalis under the banner of Mukti Vahini that had hardly any arms or arms training.

What ensued was a large scale genocide and rape, and exodus of millions of Bengali Muslims into India.
Roots of the genocide was traced by no one other than Lt. General Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi, head of the
Pakistani Eastern Command who surrendered before the Indian forces on December 16, 1971. In his book The
Betrayal of East Pakistan, he wrote

“On the night of March 25-26, 1971, General Tikka Khan (of the Pakistani Eastern Command) turned the peaceful
night into a time of wailing, crying and burning…. The military action was a display of stark cruelty, more
merciless than the massacres at Bukhara and Baghdad by Changez Khan and Halaku Khan, or at Jallianwala Bagh
by the British General Dyer.”

The ‘highly fierce’ Islamic Pak army men slaughtered over three million people and raped countless Bengali
women before surrendering to Indian army to save their own lives! Truly brave cowards !!

All pointers indicated that it was power crazy Zulfikar Ali Bhutto who, along with some generals, wanted to negate
the election results and got Mujib arrested. What followed was the civil war, arrival of over 1 crore refugees in
India that led to Indian intervention and creation of Bangladesh. It was also a logical outcome of the West
Pakistani Islamic mindset that always looked down upon the East Pakistani Bengali Muslims as lowly and inferior.
Maverick Bhutto became the prime minister of whatever was left of West Pakistan. But he paid dearly for the dirty
games he played with the military generals. First he ditched the then dictator Yahya Khan and then dumped his
successor too. Ultimately, it was the same Zia-ul Haq, whom he had appointed as army chief superseding several
generals, ousted him in 1977. In April 1979, Zia hanged him after a sham trial.

However, the 1971 war has not yet ended for the Pakistanis! They are still waging it in Kashmir through Islamic
jehadis! This war will continue until Pak gets wiped out from the world map!! Producing jehadis suicide bombers
in the terror factories, Pakistan appears to have put on a suicide vest too!!!

Dichotomy is built so deeply in Pakistan’s psyche that experts are amazed. It started with something of a
democracy, but always fell for military dictatorships; Islam should have kept united the country better than
India’s Fevicol, but broke into two pieces in 1971; its population is less than the largest Indian province – Uttar
Pradesh, but it always considered itself in competition with India; in the 1980s it discarded its own milder version
of Islam in favour of radical Wahhabism of Saudi Arabia that came with petro dollars and trained maulwis; its
terror camps kept producing extremists while its military was fighting the “war on terror” alongside Americans; it
still sends its terror products across Indian borders and also claims to be the biggest victim of terror; now when all
its institutions are badly infected with radicals its Supreme Court wonders if in the Constitution word “Islam” can
be replaced with “Secular” !

Pakistan Becoming Wahhabistan!

Pak dictator Zia was always at odds with the democratic forces and felt comfortable with radical Muslims. The defeat of Soviet occupiers in Afghanistan in the late 1980s at the hands of Islamic jehadis led him to develop the concept of a holy role for the armed forces. Thus, he started to encourage radical Islam and fundamentalism in order to weaken the democratic forces and processes of the country. For his own personal safety, he created an anti-democratic class of officers by instilling Islamic fundamentalism in them. Thus, Pakistani institutions – particularly its military and secret service – got badly infected with fundamentalists and radical elements.

While it served his immediate purpose, it also brought radical clergymen into political dominance, fading out
elected leaders. Reflecting their fundamentalist thinking these mullahs started to tell people to behave like Arab
people of the 7 century, in the name of Sharia Law. Madarsas and Mosques began to fall in the hands of radical
preachers supported by Saudi funds. Shia-Sunnis divide widened as Wahhabi Sunni preachers started radicalizing

Products of the Wahhabi Madarsas naturally had no taste for what is called democracy. However, they formed
valuable raw material for the Jehadi factories. Kargil war in 1999, decisively demonstrated the wonderful
chemistry between Pak military and terrorists. The world watched it.

In 2017, Pakistan proudly displays its ‘strategic assets’ like Hafiz Sayeed on TV channels. They are now more
precious than the missiles and tanks displayed in the Independence Day Parade!

La ilaha Il allah; Pakistan ka matlab kiya? (There is no God but Allah. What does Pakistan mean?) Please tell
me, if you know!! more  

View all 7 comments Below 7 comments
If only Pakistan concentrates on its own People’s welfare it will come out of the rut. To divert it’s failure of democratic principles and people’s welfare plan,it increases its forces ,weapons, aid in radical Wahhabism and more madarassas with out formal education needed. It is misusing it’s receipts of aid by inculcating in to production of weapons, lending its army services to gulf in needed times, training gulf forces troops and thus pretending that it is Muslim Ummas head with piwerof a big trained army. The people are not happy as the rich are richer poor are poorer ,the regional hegemony of Punjabis continues ,the other ethnic constituents of the citizenary ie Balooches, Pashtuns, Sindhis ,other tribes of Ex NWFP and the muhazirs if Indian origin are being treated as second rate citizens. Pakistan is not a subject for them to waste time but they continue to pedal it for aid and show of might . The gulf gives the large volumes of charity to finance these Jihadis, egg on their ego and push them on foolish adventurism against India. Let the people realise that their rulers for 70 years have fed them on rhetoric ,religious bigotry ,lies and never invested in progress and prosperity with the aid they hav3 received. That is why they looking for relief from the tyrannical rulers .God will help them . more  
UNO and WORLD BANK TO UNDERSTAND, ANALYSE, REALIZE AND CONVINCE PAK to be People Oriented. It shall not become another Gulf. more  
Political Power Thirst Superseding Humanity, Morality and Fraternity. MUST BE ERADICATED. Otherwise there is no use of UNO , UNESCO, WHO , And EVEN THE WORLD BANK Please. more  
Kashmir or Punjab or any part of Indian Territory shall be well guarded/ administered saving the People living irrespective of Caste/Religion. This is the Universal responsibility. PAK shall put an end to support the Separatists of either Jammu and Kashmir or, any other State of India. PAK also shall realize that they shall not support/guard those whoever indulge in targeting either Castes OR Religions . This is the Universal Mandate and the fundamental responsibility of any Country and its neighboring Countries . It is high time for the Indian Government to solve the long torturing issue of KASHMIR PANDITS in reinstating and securing full enjoyment of their Properties and Living obligations/ Mandates contemplated in Indian Constitution . Even the Provincial rights of Jammu and Kashmir shall be subjected to this Humanity, Morality and Fraternity within that Province which was practiced and mandated in Article 370 -b - (i) and, Explanation to (ii) . more  
Pakistan should have become a defunct nation by now due to economic collapse and natural decay. But as luck would have it, it is strategically positioned in Asia. It is enclosed between three most powers, India, China and Russia (erstwhile USSR). Due to its strategic positioning, US and Western Allies poured money on it in order to keep in check their cold war opponent. After Soviet Union broke up, China grew in economy and saw Pakistan as a gateway to Europe for its trade and therefore made a strategic alliance. So whether it is political Islam or just Islam, it is Allah who is keeping Pakistan alive. But pray Allah to give Pakistan piety and humility to leave India and Kashmir alone. more  
Present interest of Supreme Court of Pakisthan only has since 3 years saving Pakisthan and its Citizen largely. Every Country and UNO should understand . Religious Expansion Thirst for extending Power of Unity among World Countries ONLY INCREASING THE WAYS FOR INCREASED TERRORISM .
For bridging Fraternity and World Peace, THERE IS NEED TO PUT AN END FOR RELIGIOUS CONVERSIONS and Hunger for Controlling or Ruling Power . more  
The nation should be built on values ,hard work and skill .As radical religious fervour has competed with totaliatarian regime with uniforms to control its population,its thinking , its direction has taken only the confrontationistic paths with all nations except gulf nations .The ethnic mix of punjabis dominating ,subjugating the Sindhis with vast historical background and valiant tribes like Baloochs, North east frontier Provence,Kashmiri’s thus producing a local hatred for governing powers and not integrating with each other and thus a internal turmoil is constantly brewing since 1947. Added to this is acquirement of Nuclear capability with Chinese later Korea’s help and suppling it to Iran and other nations has aggrandised this hot headed nation in to bravado and time and again challenged its neighbours and it is forgetting that it has a big population of armed trained, indoctrinated fundamentalists in its population who are ready to take power and nuclear weapons to threaten the other world populations.This is its vulnerability and any time it will break up and then the instability is dangerous to all specially peace loving neighbours. It has ridden the tiger during Afghanistan turmoil and now when it has got down the tiger it is bound to face the tiger and we are waiting with anxiety as to what will happen to the general peace loving common man in that country. more  
Every Country and UNO to realize the causes of IS ; ISIS ; Paris incidents like ; now N Koria etc., AND WORK FOR FRATERNITY ERADICATING THE PREFERENCE TO Religions , Races etc. This will and SHALL help Regional realization also under Mankind and Humanity for which the Rich Countries and UNO had been working providing requisite GRANTS AND OTHER FINANCIAL SUPPORTS .

This effort set at Fraternity need to be understood all over the Regions of every Country and is the duty of Governments and Rule to eradicate Caste, Race, Community and Religious Umbrellas . more  
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