Where all Black Money is generated
I have my self experieced and like me many thousands have seen when you approach Registrar of Housing societies with your compaints on corrupt practices by Society officials, this is seen as an opportunity to make money by Ragistrar´s offices from that society´s corrupt office bearers.
2- Registration of property offices again have corruption between Builders, Agents and govt officials- Daily cash transactions as agent commission is taken to register properties which must be stopped. All these govt officials and offices are paid by tax payers money and these same people are looting common man.
3 Firbrigade offices, Municipal corporation offices are making money from builders to give permissions for fire safety, water supply, power supply, drainage, and many other permissions are given to builders when cash is paid.
4. Police stations is one such govt offices where for every thing to do money is demanded by police and the corruption in police depts is from top to bottom barring few exceptions.
All this is Black Money coming into circulation of our economy from unaccounted accounts of all involved in this second parallel economy. The Black money is generated in these govt depts like Municipal administrations in connivance with business community like builders, engineers, architects, contractors-
The BJP government after coming to power in Maharashtra must find ways to stop corrupt practices followed by these racketeers making black money and cheating the state.
This has to be scrutinized by special committees to observe how corrupt practices are followed by govt administrators at all levels. And then a new model by plugging all loopholes must be introduced for any govt procedures. With the changed model, strict punishments by new laws to govt officials found corrupt must be introduced and sent to jails for 30 and 40 years so that nobody in govt offices will have courage to take money from anyone. more