Recently, Tamil Nadu government has ordered an enquiry about the activities of the Vice chancellor.

Senior Professors and teachers working in Anna University support the Vice Chancellor Dr. M.K. Surappa and the students have regard for him. All those associated with Anna University in close quarters say that there has been no nepotism in administration of the University.

From day one of Dr. M.K. Surappa assuming office as Vice chancellor, some politicians in Tamil Nadu , who get large space in the print and visual media in the state, have been saying that only a Tamilian should be the Vice Chancellor of Anna University. What a ridiculous argument it is !

Certainly, more than interest in education, vote bank politics is their priority.

Earlier, Tamil Nadu government took steps to split Anna University into two and change the name of one of the two universities to be created

The Vice chancellor of Anna University Dr. M.K. Surappa had the courage of conviction to say that attracting funds should not be the criteria for splitting the university and such required funds to augment the facilities can be well obtained from other credible sources. Tamil Nadu government objected to the statement terming it as unwarranted. What is unwarranted about this ? Who will speak for Anna University if not the Vice Chancellor and it is his legitimate right to express his voice. Why object to this?

Further, one question that remains unanswered is whether the Tamil Nadu government has taken the permission of the Chancellor of Anna University ( Tamil Nadu Governor) before ordering an enquiry on Dr. M.K. Surappa.

Certainly, the former students of Anna University, now well spread all over the world , present and former professors and present day students feel disgusted and frustrated about the interference of the politicians in the affairs of the University.

Nandini voice for the Deprived
nandinivoice.com more  

View all 11 comments Below 11 comments
V.A.Sankaran There should be a Parliamentary Act/Law forbiding politician from interfering in the affairs of educational institutions. All that tall claim that India is fast developing in research will only be empty words given the practical scenario. It is pathetic in this democracy, the politicians who turn into administrators post winning elections are deterrent to development in all facets of economic activities. And it is true in the saying that "Devil is sick the devil the saint would be. The devil is well the devil the saint was he". more  
Mr natarajan Go and speak in maharashtra and karnataka if you have courage more  
The dravidian parties are hell bent on spoiling the system. The have the media power and and the so called left wing hooliganism. THe VC has mentioned he will face the enquiry.. Its election time.. so both looters of Dravidian parties try to cash on. more  
Politicians should not have any say in education. Nor should they own or be part of any educational institution. more  
surappa announced that he will manage 500 cr to get upgrade the university and avail central govt subsidiary. This woke up ruling and opposition parties to protest. all wanted to appoint staff and vice chancellor and from by students admission. no one wants tamil nadu educationally excell and no one say that Govt is ready to pay 500 cr share. all they want to collect money from the university saying 69% reservation. we have more than 500 engineering colleges in tamil nadu mostly with 30 to 40 % addmission many they are closing and running very bad quality or on debt. They are ready to give give 100 % addmission why they cant use. LIKE NIT , IIT we should have get eminence grade for TN but losing good chance because of Selfish politician more  
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