Why it took 4 months? Never the less good decision.

We are very glad to see a strong decision taken by the government to give free hand to army against ceasefire violations by Pakistan. Only surprise is why it took 4 months when there have been continuous firing by Pakistan ever since this govt. took over. Lathon ke bhoot bathonse nahi maanthe. First time in the last 10 years, we also heard news about destruction and casualties on their side also. All these years we only heard "karara jawab diya". First time Pakistan went complaining to UN to stop firing. India took a firm stand that whether to escalate or de-escalate is entirely in their hands and firings stopped! Pakistan's pappu Bilawal said India is now emulating Isreali model. Very very true. If your enemy attacks, your response should be so strong that they will think thrice before attacking again.

Congress and Shiv Sena committed a blunder by making this a poll issue. Now they have to put their foot in the mouth! more  

My response is to Sudhi Kamath ji's statement : " After that our army fires on empty places and brag "muhtod jawab diya" more  
We need patriots like you Sudhir kamath ji !! What an encouraging and inspiring statement you give to our Jawans and those defending our frontiers !! I think people like you should be made a Captain or something like that so that you can straight away walk to Peshawar or Islamabad bashing up every Pakistani on the way !!! more  
Beg to differ ... Pakistan is a very smart enemy what is needed is to establish the fact on what is provoking such an action, we must give a very strong response however we should also be careful not to walk into a trap that they are laying for us... they have their local interest to escalate the issue so that they get global attention... we should find smarter and strong options to deal with them. I do think that while Army has done its bit . Army actions are commendeble and they have made us proud and have let the intruders know of our resolve to protect our boundaries. However a lot needs to be driven through diplomoatic , business and cultural channels. The cost of highthened situation will bleed both the countries and make their people suffer. We should make the common Pakistan citizen realize that a strong nieghbour can help improve their lives too and bring in an era of prosperity and growth. Let us compete in field of science, human development index, eradication of poverty etc which will then have positive impact on people of both there countries... There is never a right price for peace and hence we should put every effort to bring peace, it is easy for us to talk of actions but ask people staying on borders what it means.... and lastly remember Lord Krishna.. he had asked for few villages to settle the complete issue so that peace can prevail... we should be guided by our core values and not that of our neighbouring country.... more  
What happened? There is no news of damage on the pakistani side this time.... Are we again going back to UPA times, ie allowing Pakis to decide the place and time of attack, fire and run away. After that our army fires on empty places and brag "muhtod jawab diya" more  
After 36 hrs. Pakstan started firing again. I am sure army will give them a bloody nose. more  
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