Will Indian Companies given protection

At present,people in India are using more foreign brands than "made in India"
Automobile sector
At present,Honda,Suzuki and Yamaha are getting more demand rather than Hero,Bajaj and TVS

Also mileage of these foreign brand vehicles is less which means that more fuel is required by these fuel guzzlers hence we are loosing on 2 sides
1)Our money is gong outside our country
2)More fuel consumption means more petroleum exports and more load thus hike in petrol prices

If Indian companies are protected, heavy taxes should be imposed on foreign brand vehicles so that if these vehicles sales is less means that more money will remain in our country and fuel imports also will be reduced(Practical Example of gearless scooters: Honda Activa,Suzuki Access gives max mileage around 40 kmpl whereas Indian made scooters Wego, scooty gives mileage of around 52 kmpl,Rodeo gives mileage around 48 kmpl) Thus you see that if we Indian use "made in India" automobile brands in our country,our fuel imports will reduce directly by 25% and our money goes to Indian companies
When we use Honda,Suzuki,Yamaha our money goes in form of profit to someone who is outside our country
Automobiles was just one example which I see commonly on road
In soft drinks,fast foods,mineral water etc same condition is there

Something should be done to tell our people that "made in India" is the best more  

Jobs shall be created in the form of self driven biz units. Many Big units are based on many, many small units. This Super Powerful Govt to encourage new self driven biz units who are genuine and smart. more  
our govt. should levy excise on the basis of fuel consumption of the vehicle. if the vehicle is efficient in fuel saving it should be given benefit under excise and vat etc. more  
The electronic vehicles should be introduced to save petrol/diesel. 60 to 70% vehicles are used in local town/city. There should be charging facility to the public places &the same should be on solar panel mounted,The system should be introduced for this to the local people who can provide the chargingin local shops on nominal charging basis. This will generate employment to local personals. more  
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