Women and Child Safety in Delhi - Additional Inputs
Based on your inputs, below are the key issues, root causes and solutions for Women and Child Safety in Delhi.
Kindly review them and if something is missing, please share as a comment.
Women and Child Safety in Delhi
Key Solutions:
1. Reporting of crime against women to be made very quick and easy
2. Stricter censorship of movies, print and electronic media content
3. Sex education to be provided at senior school
4. Children should be given self-defence training at school
5. Counsellors should be hired in all Government and private schools
6. Women participation in law making should be increased
7. Setting up the dedicated, fast track benches in the existing courts with strict and harsh punishment for the offenders
8. Increase electronic surveillance on the streets
9. A one-stop emergency helpline should be developed to help women/children in any distress
10. Mobile apps with an emergency button should be created
11. Create district and city level Women Safety local circle with Emergency feature so any lady from mobile can seek community help
12. The society should be educated about gender discrimination through print and social media
13. At corporate level, trainings should be done on how to behave with women
14. Better facilities for sanitation should be provided in rural areas
15. The image of police should be given a makeover so that women feel comfortable in approaching them
16. More women should be recruited in the police
17. Capital punishment for rape should be announced
Root Causes:
1. Lack of dedicated teams to prevent these crimes
2. Footpaths and roads are not well illuminated at nights
3. Emergency phone services for women and children and not efficient
4. Law enforcement by the police is weak
5. Lack of surveillance in the city
6. Lack of GPS in public transport/cabs and taxis
7. Police at lower levels is not sensitized to women safety issues
8. Community doesn’t come together easily to help a victim to avoid personal complications
9. Punishment for women and child related crimes is not stringent enough
10. Little awareness about punishment for such crimes
11. Respect for women is not taught/practiced in lower strata of the society
12. Many rural workers stay in Delhi, away from their families who are in villages
13. Many victims of domestic violence believe they have no option
Key Issues:
1. Eve teasing is very common
2. Many women face harassment at their work place
3. Domestic violence is common and goes unreported
4. Rapes happening in Delhi almost every month
5. Use of abusive language in public places is common
6. Many cases of child abduction have been happening in Delhi
7. Child molestation is another big issue
8. Child labour is still prevalent in many parts of Delhi more