Wonders of Green Tea......
The story of green tea began in the year 2,737 BC. Emperor Shun-Nung, the father of medicinal herbs, discovered it by accident during a voyage and realized, it had important medicinal properties.
In ancient China, green tea was used to cure infection, headaches, indigestion, depression etc. Research has proved the green tea delays the onset of age, keeps teeth healthy, prevents inflammation and infection, and also helps to delay alzheimers and parkinsons.
All kinds of tea, be it black, green or oolong, comes from the camellia sinensis plant. The color of the tea depends upon the amount of fermentation it has been through. Oolong tea is partially fermented, black tea is completely fermented and green tea is not fermented at all. It is produced by steaming fresh tea leaves at very high temperature.
That tea is rich in antioxidants is a given, but green tea is known to contain large amounts of all types of an antioxidant known as flavonoids.
General advantages of green tea are:
Reduces overall cholesterol levels....
Fights cancer.......
Helps in losing weight..................
Boosts immune system..........
Helps fight tooth decay.........
Prevents diabetes and helps reduce blood sugar......
Improves bone formation and bone density.....
Reduces risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimers......
Helps skin stay supple and keep wrinkles at bay.....