worst level of railway

Railway was best where there were rare accidents in gap of several years because it was in hand of capable government who was understanding the duly of government. Now there is government of business men how are neither capable nor have courage about serve to country. They are concerned with thier profit. THE RAIWLAY WAS LONGEST AND BEST IN WORLD IN LOWEST PRICE, AFTER 2014 IT HAS BECOME DOWNGRADED IN TICKETING, SERVICE AND ACCIDENTS AND IT WILL BECOME WORSE IN WORLD IF WILL NOT COME IN HAND OF GOVERNMENT. You can destroy your country or made your conuntry but cheering on no death in accident is really shocking that how degraded our mental level. In 70 days govt , 18 accidents is not cause of removing private people from government for those who are in fact not Indian inside. more  

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CHECK FOR yourself .. easily on Wikipedia. Such an era might be because of your not knowing; but in reality rail accidents at a gap of several years i have never known in last 60 years. Come with facts when was that era when as per you when govt managed rail affairs better. Traffic density is many fold is past and risk of sabotage is much more. To me, it looks like a political post more  
With ever growing population, poor quality, inefficient and greedy staff at the lower level, old rolling stock, may be some of the reasons that affect the safe and efficient running of railways. Sabotage by anti-national elements is also important issue in safe running of trains. more  
illinformed posts without any research or actual knowledge of ground happening , main reason for accidents is sabotage and it is well covered in the media but few people seem to be DELIBERATELY unaware of it , as far as ticketing is concerned online it has improved significantly , yes subsidy could be a concern for elder citizens and even government and other beneficiaries , of this only elder citizen subsidy is of concern and i think others should manage on their own with earnings multiplying and to some extent timeline management of trains more  
If people whether Govt or Private work sincerely the accidents will be reduced drastically. more  
Privatisation may be started in Railways for places that are far removed from the air travel map. Let them create infrastructre, earn and keep their profits therein. Cannot have privates profit from government created infrastructure! This government of businessmen after 2014 is concerned with its businessmen's profit. In 70 days govt, 18 accidents is not cause of removing private people from government? more  
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