Worst paper of India is Times of India

Times of India is the most pathetic paper of India and everyone should unsubscribe because this paper I think is now working for brands and never the consumer.


The LocalCircles survey on edible oil is saying that households are feeling squeezed and still it ignored such an important stat in its reporting.

Either the reporters of this paper are ignorant or likely dancing on specific tunes

I unsubscribe from tomorrow. more  

View all 18 comments Below 18 comments
I think it is better to appeal the TOI that they add a page for consumer grievances. consumer education etc. It shpuld also invite consumer opinions as to what else the consumers expect on such a page dedicated to the consumers. more  
completely agree with your view. And also the fact that both the print and audio visual media in general are mostly least bothered about addressing any of the local issues faced by the common man. There are pages after pages on politicians and their foolish battles with each other. more  
I would agree to this. In some states the paper is a pamphlet of the Govt more  
These days, news = noise. more  
Has any news paper picked up the survey and reported? Why to single out only TOI. All news papers are serving the agenda only. When covid started, I stopped subscribing any news paper and continue with that. more  
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