YET ANOTHER MISHAP WITHIN A WEEK: No lives lost or injury or Damage to rail property.

We take this as increased attention from Indian Railways focusing on the frequent Mishaps.

If one notices closely the time of the accidents one aspect emerges clearly that it always happens in the wee hours. - then the question arises - Have the staff been sufficiently rested before resuming duty or over worked without rest. It is easy for the Rail Board big wigs to point the fingers as Human error.

With so much advancement and modernization taking place in the Railways,
* Railways should rule out the possibility of Sabotage,
* Does the mistake occur recurrently in any particular Zone or division - to weed out the real causes.
* Switching from the Indigenous" Kavach system" to European signal system.
What ever may be the reason The Indian Rail user demands a system that will guarantee safety on board the train.
jai hind more  

View all 12 comments Below 12 comments
In todays times it is ckearly mentioned certain external agencis are involved in deraing trains in india. Railways to ave more strong patroling to arrest the culprits. more  
Two days ago vande bharat train in rajasthan met with huge concrete block, which the engine hit. As rightly suspected some external agency trying hard to create blood shed all over the country. Unless railway authorities takes utmost steps to prevent recurrence. more  
Sri Daniel (as usual) has come out with really pertinent questions which need to be investigated by the Railways. Once can be an accident, twice also but repeatedly similar accidents means something more than meets the eye. Though I usually do not believe conspiracy theories, we need to be worried about these accidents which are taking place with clockwork regularity. more  
Seems Mr. Daniel is unaware of electronic news channels covering these incidents and the showing reasons how unsocial miscreants most probably funded and motivated by some groups are using boulders , stones and every other metal objects or stone barricades to derail train coaches and cause death and destruction , if someone sees the trend its mostly in or near West Bengal, Eastern UP , upper orissa, and some adjoining areas of MP. how come many other states dont see the same train accidents ?? is it planned ? more  
looks like our RM is sleeping and waiting for the catastropic failures of the safety system and it is high time concerned authorities are taken to task on this or this is not going to end since there is no accountability more  
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