i) Annamaya kosha -- The physical material body
ii) Pranamaya kosha – featuring Prana ,the life’s force .controlled breathing
iii) Mano maya kosha – Mind . Controlling the mind
iv) Vignanamayakosha – Intellect body
v) Ananada maya kosha – Bliss body.
The first 3 Koshas relates to the physical and mental, 4th the intellectual and the last one spiritual. Doctors always say that the diseases are of psychosomatic in nature . When the balance between the first 3 gets upset then erupts the diseases. So for disease free life maintain a good balance .Pranayama is controlled concentrated breathing ; it is a voluntary action while doing Pranayama ; that is when ever you want to inhale, exhale and hold the breath you are able to do it . In the normal breathing it is not the case ;that is whether you want or not breathing activity goes on in the body ; so there is a difference between pranayama and normal breathing . Pranayama is focused mathematical to achieve some specific goal. Doing Pranayamaa regularly one can slowly learn to control the mind. When this harmoney between the 3 is established slowly by practice we can avoid the diseases. more