According to my experience and faith, if all of the pranayams are done sincerely and honestly for about an hour in all, 15 mnts each of kapal bhati, bhastrika, anu lom/vinolom, and couple minutes each of all others, in the open air in the early mornings, these are sufficient enough exercises for the all modern lives, fully loaded with work, tensions and time scarcity all over. My firm belief, as supported by the whole time devoutees like baba Ram Dev and several of equivalents, cleanses whole system. These immensely strengthen the heart, lungs and the whole of respiratory systems and process. Stomach and intestines are thoroughly massaged and excercised. Stomach stays utterly clean and soft and spongy. Final result - when heart functions normally as per age, pumps blood as it should, all vital organs get naturally energised and healthy. Kapalbhati also thoroughly massages all vital organs. If blood is fully circulated as per the age, purification is blood is natural outcome, then there is absolutely no scope for any diseases or problems to occur at any stage and any level. At the same time, one has to be extremely careful about the diet. Does not mean one should be crazy and keep calculating proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and so on and on, just avoid fats and fast foods, extreme cold drinks, hot and hard drinks etc etc. That would also keep the mind so fresh and composed and cool. My firm belief is also that if one does these, then he/she will not be an extremist of any kind/nature and will and can handle any hardships and mental strains. One has to follow this system to believe, no alternative to this. One most important warning or a word of caution to all women, please do not do kapalbhati during the cyclical days and times. If any one is suffering from wounds, or serious stomach ailments, then please do these exercises, has no problem, but with caution and slowly increase your times. Even last stage cancers are proven to have been completely routed out with kapal bhati alone. Ofcourse for those who can do there are host of exercises for each specific problems. Best part of YOGA is lets the human body active as long as alive. Long live yoga and long live the yogic science for which there is absolutely no replacement. For those who can do, initially with expert guidance, cleanse the stomach with kunjal, dhoti, jal neti, sutra neti for a week or so and then slowly increase the gap to once in a month and then once in a quarter. That should be sufficient to keep the system healthy, wealthy and wise. Remember - all hospitals and doctors will be out of biz.