Cervical spondylitis is a disease of the neck bones and it is very common these days. The main symptoms are: the patient complaints of pain in the neck, head, shoulders and upper stomach, along with heaviness, giddiness on bending.
Yogic cure for neck pain: The asanas, which involve backward movements are beneficial. Practice Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Suptavajrasana, Gomukhasana, Ardhamatysendrasana, Ushtrasana, Matsyasana and Chakrasana for relief from neck pain.
Light exercises for the neck: Sit straight and turn the neck towards the right and touch the right shoulder. Repeat it on the left side. Bend the neck forward and touch the chest with the chin, and bend backwards. Rotate the neck in circular motion after completing the neck exercises. Keep the right palm on the right side of the head (above the ear) and press the head towards the palm. Press the head and palm against each other to cause a sort of vibration. Repeat on the left side. Do this four to five times for relief. Interlock the fingers of both hands and place it on the backside of the head. Press the head and palms against each other as mentioned above. Keep the head and neck straight while practicing this. The vibration caused due to this will be beneficial for the neck and for blood circulation in that area.
Neck exercises should be started under the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner and yoga expert. Try to find out the reasons for your neck pain and begin the yoga exercises. Also note that any type of pillow is harmful for the neck. more