Your action to enforce 10 pm sound cracker ban
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Also, below are your collective inputs on how this ban can be enforced.
Enforcing 10 pm sound cracker ban
1. The no-sound 10pm cracker ban should be imposed not only for Diwali but also for marriages and functions throughout the year
2. Municipalities via Ward Councillors and in turn through RWAs should initiate a vigorous awareness campaign in their area
3. Ads should also be done through TV, radio and newspapers so that the message could reach maximum number of people
4. Residents Associations should strictly impose the judgement and act against the members who violates the condition
5. RWA's/Societies must keep a watch and depute observers in each pocket, who should than report to the law agencies
6. An on-spot fine of at least Rs.5000 should be imposed for a violation
7. Involve school children going from house to house in their localities appealing to people to comply with the Hon’ble Supreme Court's order
8. Radio and TV announcements may also be made to this effect on few days prior to Diwali nights
9. City Government should advertise in various local media regarding supreme court orders
10. Utilize various local circles to communicate/outreach citizens and create awareness about the rule
11. Police should set up teams to patrol the residential areas and nab the people burning sound making crackers after 10pm
12. Police, home guards, municipal workers should be empowered to collect heavy fines for sound emitting crackers after 10 PM
13. In schools and colleges, the teachers should announce the supreme court order to all students, who are primarily involved in bursting sound crackers
14. They could give a complaint line numbers of the police who can be contacted by neighbours, passer by public where the ban is not followed
15. Parents should also instruct their children to finish burning crackers by 10pm
16. Municipal bodies should arrange for public announcement of this information more